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  • Katarina Garcia


Updated: Apr 4, 2020

“I don’t like the way the pill makes me feel, so I don’t take it anymore.”

“Don’t take that shit, it’s so bad for you.”

“Birth control causes depression and leads to cancer.”

These are the arguments we hear all the time running rampant all over social media as to why we shouldn’t be taking birth control. “Woke” females all over are spreading false rumors about birth control causing easily influenced women to ditch their birth control and take their chances. I really feel like this is the new anti-vaccination movement. Because of a few horror stories, women are scared to pursue their options. Yes, IUDs can move. Yes, you can still get pregnant on the pill with perfect use. But these instances are extremely rare and shouldn’t sway your decisions. Sure, I get it, your body is important to you and you should be wary of what you put in it, but you should also do your research instead of spreading false information on social media you also acquired off of some rando’s social media post. If you were to do your research, you would find that a lot of these accusations are actually false. According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center website, birth control can actually lower your risk for certain cancers.

Of course, with any medication, there are side effects. I’ll give you that. You’re right. Side effects suck, and I’m sorry that us women have to suffer through them to prevent pregnancy while men just take it easy. But unfortunately, these are the cards we were dealt, at least for now. Fortunately though, male birth control is in the works, but for the meantime we need to take on the responsibility of preventing unplanned pregnancy. It is our body, after all, that will have to suffer through the pregnancy and child birthing process. But yet women everywhere are still adamant about refusing birth control because of their “side effects.” To me the benefit of preventing the “side effect” of unprotected sex outweighs the risks of the side effects of birth control.

But if you want to take your chances without any form of birth control, just think of the possibilities. An unplanned pregnancy can lead to a lifetime of responsibility and expenses. I’ve been there. I love my son to the moon and back and wouldn’t change a thing, but his unplanned arrival did take a financial strain on us and put a halt on our careers. Even though I don’t think I could personally take part in an abortion, I am pro-choice and believe women should be able to make that big decision. But I don’t believe abortion should be used regularly like birth control. It’s much more of an investment than birth control (both time and money) and is much more invasive. Taking birth control from the get-go can help prevent this unnecessary process and any possible emotional trauma.

I agree, hormonal birth control can have uncomfortable side effects like mood changes, changes in your menstrual cycle, and headaches. But we’re all different and our bodies react to birth control differently, so what didn’t work for your friend, might work for you. Make sure you talk over your birth control options with your healthcare provider and provide them with any information that might help them pick the best option for you. Do you get blood clots? Headaches? These answers will help your provider narrow down the options for something well-suited for you. It may take a couple of tries, but hopefully with time you’ll find the right birth control for you.

And if you’re uncomfortable with hormonal birth control options that have those common, uncomfortable side effects, consider a non-hormonal birth control method. One of the most effective and long-lasting forms of non-hormonal birth control is the copper IUD. It amazes me how many women are unaware of this option, as it is a great alternative to hormonal birth control. When I posed the idea of this form of birth control to a mother in my mommy group who was looking for something effective, she responded that she didn’t like the idea of a “foreign object” inside her. But if it was a pacemaker needed to help her heart, I’m sure this woman wouldn’t think twice. Because let me tell you, if you continue without birth control, the only foreign object in your body will be another human. But I digress… The copper IUD is so awesome, it can last up to 10 years and can even be used up to 5 days after unprotected sex as emergency contraception. It’s 99% effective as emergency contraception. My doctor’s office even has a sign that ventures to say it’s 100% effective (I know, how ballsy). The copper IUD works by releasing copper ions which are toxic to sperm. Aside from the possible side effect of some heavy bleeding, this option is a great option for women looking for something non-hormonal. If you are adamantly against IUDs, you can also try a cervical cap, diaphragm, spermicide, condoms, and of course, natural family planning (there’s also an app for that). Just be sure to look up the effectiveness of each of these methods, but honestly, anything is better than nothing! So let’s quit listening to the “experts” of Twitter and start doing research for ourselves. It is our body after all!

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